is there any reason to believe that these extraordinary claims could be true? if true, what do they mean for us?
Ron Tesoriero, Australian lawyer and documentary filmmaker, who is a first-hand witness to the events and took a leading role in the investigation of these stories, is in a unique position to tell of the happenings, the intriguing scientific test results and their implications for Science, Religion and Humanity.
Mike Willesee, Senior Australian Television Journalist, joined with Ron in the investigation.
Ron’s fascinating work is documented in his books and documentaries.
documentaries on the 1996 eucharistic miracle of buenos aires
During Ron’s investigation of the 1996 Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires, he captured some of the most astounding footage. Ron shares these footage with us and takes us through his journey with these two compelling documentaries. These documentaries are free to view on YouTube.
The official investigation of the Miracle and Scientists’ reaction to this extraordinary event captured on film as it happens.
This tells of the immense impact that this Miracle will have on Religion and currently held scientific views on the origin of life.
This book tells of the scientific investigation led by Australian lawyer, Ron Tesoriero, of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires of 1996 that happened under the watch of Pope Francis.
Mike Willesee summed up the case with these words –
When a Communion Host, which is bread, bleeds and becomes heart of a traumatically injured human being, it is more than a WOW moment. It is a traumatic day for Science!
It will make us Scientists rethink all our concepts …
The book contains a convincing argument in favour of a Creative Agency and makes Darwinian evolution an inadequate explanation of how the world and its inhabitants came to be.
You have given us the information we need to deal with the world’s most important unanswerable question.
Dr. Robert Lawrence – Forensic Pathologist of San Francisco, son of the famous Nobel Prize winning scientist Ernest Lawrence who invented the Cyclotron which split the atom and started the nuclear age.
When I came across the Eucharistic miracles and particularly the work that Ron Tesoriero has done, and I was just astonished….
If Ron was right and if all the evidence of what happened in the Buenos Aires miracle is right, then this says that transubstantiation really happened. One of the things that I have not been able to understand ever since then is why the rest of the world isn’t very, very excited about this because it is beyond contesting.
For years Christians have been complaining that rationalist and pluralists have been on our back giving us a hard time. Suddenly empiricism comes to our aid. Why are we not saying, ‘pay attention!’?
Dr. Gavin Ashenden – Previously an Anglican Bishop and the personal Chaplin to Queen Elisabeth II, the Head of the Anglican Church.
Your books are the best that I have found to date
I have numerous books on Eucharistic Miracles but none narrates the journey of a sceptic on discovery as well as yours does.
Carol J
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
…I kept asking God to reveal HIS truth to me, and He has, by His mercy, LOVE and grace. And your books and story are the punctuation marks that have solidified my faith in Him and for that, I am forever grateful to our Lord and saviour, especially for placing you along my path.
Ziad N.
My Human Heart has reinvigorated my love for Jesus
My Human Heart has reinvigorated my love for Jesus and I profoundly adore His sacrifice. I have a hard time holding back tears everytime I think about these miracles and His presence in the sacrament. I honestly feel like I’m a little girl again, thrilled at her Father’s creation and not weighed down by the trials of life. I feel like my doubts and inhibitions are fading away and my faith is beginning to take centerplace in my heart and mind again. It is very difficult to be a millennial and proclaim love for Jesus and hold strong belief in His presence and Holy Spirit.
Tracy M.
An important book!
I do not think it overestimates it, to say the My Human Heart book is one of the most important written in the last century!
Mike B.
Your books are truly amazing
You have put a smile on Jesus’ face with “Everything you have done for him”…
Ron, your books/films are really special but more importantly as you know, what you and Mike have done will go down in big history for mankind, hopefully you will see the fruits of it…
Again its because of you that Jesus has asked me to do my little bit and who knows where that will go.
William R
Science proves the living presence of God.
Today with God’s blessing we have a beautiful text (My Human Heart) recounting parts of Katya’s life and revealing messages about Eucharistic blood comparisons.
This text is a very illuminating novelty and deepens with valuable scientific contributions certain knowledge in times when today’s man rejects light, to take refuge in darkness. Unfortunately, the Church did not have in her hands enough knowledge that today’s science allows us to venture into. But today with this text science can prove the living presence of God.
Fr Renzo
Spiritual Director to Katya Rivas
My Human Heart is special
Words cannot express how much I enjoyed it and profited from it… This one would have been worth reading from the beginning over and over. I have read and heard about many Eucharistic miracles, but this book is special.
I have also read several books that disprove Darwinism, but nothing compares to the unique perspective of this book, and I am convinced!