
This book tells of a scientific investigation that Pope Francis in 1999 (then Archbishop Bergoglio of Buenos Aires) asked for on a very strange phenomenon. A communion host had spontaneously transformed.

The facts, the scientific findings and the arguments presented in this book will have a major impact on scientific and religious thinking causing the book to be perhaps one of the most significant books of our age.

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The inspiration for the writing of this book came as a result of the consideration by Ron Tesoriero of the facts and scientific findings in his examination of a case of a Communion host that spontaneously transformed into what seemed like flesh and blood, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1996.

In the course of that examination, one of the Forensic Pathologists who was consulted, said that if this story was true then scientists would need to rethink some of the most fundamental concepts that they have developed in Science.

The fundamental concepts of science at issue here, Ron has deduced to be, are the accepted foundational principles of Biology to do with the Origin of Live, the Cell and the Evolution of Man.

In this book Ron Tesoriero and Lee Han review the prevailing scientific views on The Origin of Life and Darwinian Theory of Evolution as taught in the science class at school and at university and place on the table for serious consideration the new evidence that comes from the Buenos Aires case.

The book also introduces other cases of the replication of the Buenos Aires phenomenon, strengthening the case for the need for science to reconsider its widely held and fundamental assumptions about Life.

The facts, the scientific findings and the arguments presented in this book will have a major impact on scientific and religious thinking causing the book to be perhaps one of the most significant books of our age.

“I am not religious … but find the book to be a convincing argument in favour of a Creative Agency over stepwise evolution.” Dr Robert Lawrence, Forensic Pathologist and son of the famous Nobel Prize scientist, Ernest Lawrence, who invented the Cyclotron which started the nuclear age.

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Hardcover, eBook

Ron Tesoriero