The wounds of Jesus – The Stigmata – appear on mystic, Katya Rivas (also known as Catalina Rivas- filmed live and shown throughout the world by Fox network- Signs from God)
The Book, “Reason to Believe”, the book, “My Human Heart”, and the documentary, “A Plea to Humanity“, present some of the most remarkable happenings in modern times which will have important implications for both science and religion.
In Cochabamba, Bolivia, a plaster statue of Christ, inexplicably has wept tears and shed blood.
In the same city, Katya Rivas (also known as Catalina Rivas) has had appear in her hands, in her feet and on her forehead, wounds similar to those believed to have been suffered by Christ in His Crucifixion, the stigmata.
Also, Katya, who had never read the Bible, and who did not complete her high school education, has written, without theological error, 80 books of profound theological teachings and biblical commentaries which she says are dictated to her by Christ.
The story of these happenings was presented in a Fox Network prime time special called “Signs from God, Science Tests Faith” which was broadcast throughout the United States in July 1999 and subsequently in a number of other countries.
The program was produced and co-presented by the well-known Australian Television Journalist, Mike Willesee.
Mike Willesee was perhaps one of Australia’s most respected journalists and has, over his career spanning more than thirty years, gained a reputation as a fair but hard-hitting investigative television journalist. Mike unfortunately passed away on 1 March 2019.
For many years Mike anchored and produced a nightly Australia wide current affairs television program. During these years he was my neighbour and I became a personal friend of his and at times, his lawyer.
When I first presented to him my research on what was happening in Bolivia, he remained sceptical, being of the view “these things can’t happen and don’t happen”.
But in May 1998, Mike accepted the suggestion of mine that he should go there and see for himself.
It is that journey that he essentially presented in the “Signs from God” program, and retells in my documentary, “A Plea to Humanity”.
The Stigmata of Katya Rivas
True or false?
Mike Willesee made his first trip to Bolivia in July 1998. He went back in Holy Week of April 1999 bringing with him his own film crew to record the story for the Fox Network Television Program. He was hoping that Katya would have the stigmata on Good Friday of that week and that he would be able to film it. The day before Good Friday, Katya said to Mike that she had had a message from Jesus saying that she would not have the stigmata the next day but that she would have it on the Friday following the Feast of Corpus Christi (which would make it Friday, 4th June 1999, some two months away) and that he could return then and film what happens.
We returned on 3rd June and we were given unrestricted freedom to film. We began filming her on the evening of the 3rd and then through the next day.
At 12 noon, on 4th June, at the exact time and date that Katya predicted the stigmata would occur, we saw and filmed small red dots appear on her palms and her feet. These marks then slowly opened up to form somewhat circular and deep severe wounds which began to shed blood.
There was symmetry to the way the wounds appeared and developed in both hands and both feet. They all began at the same time and progressed as bleeding wounds at the same rate. While wounds appeared on her hands and feet, wounds began to appear on her forehead.
The wounds on the forehead appeared one after another across the forehead as we watched. These wounds looked as if they had been caused by something sharp, small and pointed. There were perhaps 20 or so. On her left cheek there appeared a swelling and a heavy bruise mark, of the sort that one sees when someone has been given a hard punch to the face.
Throughout all this Katya was seen to suffer the pains of the wounds she had. As the time approached 3pm she began to suffer from difficulty in breathing and what seemed like congestion in her lungs. At about 3.10 pm, all the pain subsided, and her injuries began to heal.
By the next morning the injuries she had to her body had completely healed. (The medical opinion is that the wounds like she had should have taken at least 4 to 6 weeks to heal).
Both the prediction and the happening of the stigmata were professionally filmed. The stigmata did happen as predicted. Deep bleeding wounds appeared from nothing on her hands and feet and also on her forehead around 12 noon and began to heal around 3pm. This was perhaps the first time in history that a prediction of a supernatural event was filmed and the happening of that event as predicted was filmed, testified to by a lawyer and a highly respected television journalist.