“Because for the first time ever life has come into existence from inert non-living matter.
Considering the facts and the scientific results, we are able to say that what was once bread and inanimate had changed and had become human heart tissue infiltrated with living white blood cells. Complex life had come into existence spontaneously from nothing and it happened in the context of God, a Catholic Mass. There was no evolution. There was no ancestry. These facts, this new direct evidence of life having so come into being (living cells and living human heart tissue as exhibited in the histological slides) supersedes all currently promoted scientific views on how life originated and how humans came to be which are based on assumptions and not facts. Current scientific theories maintain that the first cell of life could only have come into existence by self-assembling and developing over billions of years and that humans are product of an evolutionary process that also took billions of years.
The evolutionary theory mantra is that all life forms on earth today are a product of an evolutionary process. There cannot be one exception otherwise the theory falls. We now have that exception.
In my book, Unseen: New Evidence – The Origin of Life Under the Microscope (2013), I present the case as to how these facts and findings will bring down Darwinian Evolutionary Theory.
Furthermore, those cells that appeared spontaneously from nothing, hold within them evidence of intricate design, logic and purpose with circuitry more complex than the world’s most advanced computer. What can be seen in every cell is evidence of “intelligent design.”
These conclusions have not come from superstition or by defying reason, but from an interpretation of observed facts.
We live in a world where it is assumed that Science is the gold standard of all knowledge, while faith is the preserve of myth and superstition.
But what happens when Science affirms the reality of bread having changed into human heart in the Buenos Aires case and the three other case I have mentioned in my book, My Human Heart: Where Science and Faith Collide.
The explanation for what has happened cannot be found in any book of science. But there is however a book, the Bible, where Jesus does talk about bread becoming His flesh and blood.
Forensic Pathologist, Dr Robert Lawrence, then an atheist, who worked on my cases was to say, following the publication of my book, Unseen –
It will make us Scientists rethink all our concepts.
You present a convincing argument in favour of a Creative Agency and makes Darwinian evolution an inadequate explanation of how the world and its inhabitants came to be.”
Dr Robert Lawrence is the son of Ernest Lawrence, the famous Noble prize Nuclear Physicist.
Another eminent person with supportive views is Dr Gavin Ashenden, previously an Anglican Bishop and the personal Chaplin to Queen Elisabeth II, the Head of the Anglican Church. One of the reasons he has given for his recent decision to convert to Catholicism was the impact of my work in the investigation of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires.
In a recent interview with John Henry Westen of Life Site News, he said –
“When I came across the Eucharistic miracles and particularly the work that Ron Tesoriero has done, and I was just astonished….
If Ron was right and if all the evidence of what happened in the Buenos Aires miracle is right, then this says that transubstantiation really happened. One of the things that I have not been able to understand ever since then is why the rest of the world isn’t very, very excited about this because it is beyond contesting.
For years Christians have been complaining that rationalist and pluralists have been on our back giving us a hard time. Suddenly empiricism comes to our aid. Why are we not saying, ‘pay attention!’?”